chai is a product company with a mission to empower all people in their pursuit of wellbeing. chai was created in the belief that taking better care of ourselves can teach us to take better care of each other, hence why their slogan, don't lose yourself.
The practice of chai is to provide wellbeing products in a subscription based program, although consumers can also acquire products in a single-purchase too. With the subscription based program, chai's aim is to provide the consumers the ideal amount of product as possible, to eliminate excess and waste from a human earth.
The challenge was to create a brand identity, aswell as early product design for the brand. Social media design, content creation, EDMs with brand research was provided for the brand by tdesigns.
chai provides useful products and perspectives to help all individuals deepen their understanding of themselves and enrich their commitment to every day wellness. chai's belief is that wellbeing is our most valuable resource, and are working to create a future where it is accessible to everyone.

EDM - First customer welcome letter.

EDM - Product based


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